Holiday Trekking Vacation France
Travel with us to this enchanting country that is just waiting to be shared. Four magical rivers offer an abundance of canoeing, prehistoric history and medieval villages stimulate our minds and fine wines and regional cuisine satisfy our gastronomical needs.
About Battenkill CanoeOur goal has always been to rise above the rest, to guarantee more than just an ordinary canoe trip, to provide you with a vacation that goes beyond the mundane. We plan vacations, not expeditions. Afloat, a new world awaits, a world of slowed-down time and stretched-out space, of peace and quiet beauty. From a river, you feel more, and see with different eyes. We at BattenKill take the importance of free-flowing, healthy rivers, and unspoiled outdoors as a priority. Our days are simple and loosely structured. Take a few moments at the water's edge and you will feel yourself wrapped by the river's gentle music, and find the sounds of civilization stopped for a moment. Such moments are timeless and natural.
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" Moving On "
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" Moving On "
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